New Technology Helping the Disabled

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With technology rapidly advancing as time goes on, it’s no doubt just a matter of time before these advances are able to help out our society’s disabled.  In recent years, we’ve begun to see a lot of items funded with the intention of allowing these people to overcome their physical limitations in inspiring ways.  This technology will also allow for more disabled contribution to the workplace, providing more jobs which will both allow disabled people to become more independent, and also stimulate our economy.


One such advancement involves helping those with poor eyesight.  A pair of glasses is being constructed which will have the ability to pick out certain shades and lines that a person is viewing, strengthening the overall perceived image through means of simplification.  I think this is great, and also vastly interesting how these glasses may work; the basis is that the glasses will automatically “photoshop” (to put it one way) the viewed image into something that would make more sense to a person with impaired eyesight.  I’m excited to see how this kind of technology further develops, and hopefully makes it’s way to the general public in need of it.


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