Feb 18th: Boot Camp #1 Shapes, Transforming Objects

Boot Camp #1

Create the following thing using shapes inside Illustrator:


(Pen tool and Shapes Practice) Copy a logo inside Illustrator and then distort it to create your own image (Don’t copy what’s below. It’s an example)



First off, the pen tool is hard, here is a review if you need it


Here are the basics of shapes

Another place to learn about shape tools

How to round the corners of rectangles

read this to find out about the pencil tool

and this to learn about the line tool

Also, go here and learn about rotating and reflecting objects

And don’t forget that all of these things are built on paths, so you can use your pen tool, and your direct selection tool to add, delete, or alter anchor points

Also, you can go here for a reminder on the Appearance Panel