Project #4, Infographic

Project #4 Infographic, Due March 29th

Graphs and charts are a means to bring order to chaos, to make simple, that which may appear complicated or convoluted.

For this project, identify someone who is an expert in something you would like to know more about. Have a discussion with them, and ask them to share their knowledge with you. In particular, get them to tell you something about their field of interest that not everyone might know, or that might be surprising to people. Taking this lead, gather data to support this idea, and produce an infographic that visualizes the information.

In-Class Exercise: 

  • Class Meditation for 5 minutes
  • Create a metaphor:  I feel like _______________________
  • Use that metaphor to create an organizational structure for your thoughts. i.e. if you feel like a sloth, make a drawing of a sloth, and locate your thoughts on different parts of the sloth body or leaves that the sloth is hanging off of.

Assignment #4-1, Due February 25th 

Part 1) Watch the David McCandless video, look at Jeremy Deller’s work, and review David Muller’s installation. Pick one graph from David McCandless’s presentation and contrast it with Jeremy Deller’s “History of the World”, or David Muller’s work. Make sure to start with the obvious- one is fine art, and one is graphic design, but then work towards the specific. Are they really that different? Which do you prefer? Write a blog post answering these questions- make sure to include images. 

Part 2) Interview someone who is an expert in something, and find data or a graph that supports one of their most surprising or impressive points. Bring this to class on February 25th, ready to work.


Watch this video in which David McCandless describes his work

Look at Jeremy Deller’s website, and then watch the video where he describes his wall drawing called “History of the World”:

Link to Jeremy Deller Website

Watch this video to see an example of a mind map

The following images are from David Muller’s installation As Below, So Above at the ICA in Boston. You can read an article describing the project, here , and you can also see a version of chart the mural is based on here

Muller painted Garofalo’s chart in black water color and surrounded it with a kind of rock garden. He hopes that it shows how, “all the different kinds of music are connected somehow, the same way an ecosphere is connected.”